Practices for Bringing Body Wisdom Into Coaching Conversations

(This video was recorded from a Facebook Live session)

There is more wisdom in your body than your deepest philosophy.
— Friedrich Nietzsche

Have you ever had a coaching client before that is freaking out and so incredibly stressed by life? It’s almost impossible to begin coaching them because they are stuck in their overwhelming story.

This has happened to me on many coaching calls and I’ve felt so frustrated and confused on how to best support this client with getting them in the right headspace.

I’m so thankful that Niamh Mitchell, a life coach and Reiki healer/teacher based in Madrid, Spain, introduced this new concept to me called Somatic Coaching to help in this situation.

The definition of somatic coaching is: “The word somatics comes from the Greek root soma, which means “the living body in its wholeness.” Somatic coaching is a way to observe people holistically. It is a process in which one embodies new practices to be able to create a body of action. It is a unique coaching style that brings the body forward as an advocate in creating a place for change and transformation.”

In today’s video Niamh and I are going to show you 3 different somatic practices you can use to get your clients out of their head and into their bodies. This way they can uncover more answers for themselves and get in the right headspace to receive a powerful breakthrough.

Our bodies are incredibly smart but sometimes we forget that and don’t take the time to check in with them.

And if you haven’t downloaded it yet, check out the free somatic coaching worksheet that Niamh made for you all HERE.

I hope this is helpful! Please share below which of the 3 exercises is your favorite after watching the video.