How to Handle Rejection as a New Life Coach

Have you had to experience getting rejected in your coaching business yet?

Maybe you reached out and invited someone to work with you and they said "not right now."

Maybe your lover, friends and family are doubting your decision to become a life coach.

Maybe you launched a new group coaching program and no one signed up.

When starting a life coaching business you're going to get really good at dealing with rejection head on.

And I know how hurtful it is to experience it.

But rejection must become your best friend in order for you to survive in this business.

No one gets to the top of the success ladder without having to hear a lot of NOs over and over again.

But did you know that rejection is actually a really GOOD thing when it happens inside your business?

YEP, you heard me right. You want to aim for getting rejected every week because that means you’re taking action and planting new seeds which will set you up for success with finding new paying coaching clients.

In this video you’ll learn how to:

  • Have a healthy relationship with rejection and actually look forward to it happening

  • Stop taking rejection personally

  • Heal your rejection trigger through mother wound and inner child work

Let me know below - How did you get rejected recently and what can you do to celebrate it?

And if you want my support with helping you to find paying clients by creating your own thriving online coaching business, sign up for a discovery call with me here.

To receive more free content, training, and support with building your online life coaching business that gives you the flexibility, freedom, and impact you’re craving to create, join my free community >>> Build Your Life Coaching Biz

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