How to Easily Describe What Life Coaching Is (So Clients Understand What You Do and Can Hire You!)

As a new life coach, growing your life coaching business, one of the hardest things is how to answer the question “What is Coaching"?

When we don’t know how to confidently answer this, it can prevent us from talking about our beautiful services making it hard for people to hire us and find paying clients.

If you’re currently stuck on how to easily describe what life coaching is to people then THIS is the video you need to help you explain what is your role as a coach in a way that clients can understand and buy into.

In the video below you’ll learn:

  • Why you’re probably waaaayyyy overcomplicating what coaching actually is

  • 7 words that you SHOULDN’T use when describing life coaching

  • A simple trick of how to turn your elevator pitch into a sales call that leaves your potential client saying - “Um- how can I hire you ASAP?!”

Let me know in the comments below - How do you want to describe what life coaching is to people? (Remember to keep it simple!)

And if you want my support with helping you to find paying clients by creating your own thriving online coaching business, sign up for a discovery call with me here.

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Buy the Digital Course - Build Your Life Coaching Biz in 7 Days: A valuable self study online course that teaches you how to build your coaching business from scratch by discovering your unique niche, finding your ideal clients and selling your signature coaching offer so you can get started coaching your new clients as soon as possible

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