How Much to Charge for Your Life Coaching Packages

Yeah!!! If you are reading this then that means you are ready to start charging for your life coaching services.

Remember that you deserve to get paid for your skills, time and knowledge…especially if you have invested the time, energy and money into a coach training program.

It should seem simple to put a price tag on your offerings however this big decision can also cause a lot of inner turmoil like:

-What if I’m too expensive and people can’t afford me?

-Why would someone pay ME to coach them?

-Why would I charge this much if I wouldn’t pay these prices myself?!

If you are feeling this way then you’re not alone.

The life coaching industry is the second largest growing industry behind the tech industry which means more and more people out there are looking to invest in a personal coach to help them get results and live their best life ever. I’ve been running my coaching business since 2016 and have replaced my day job income as a nurse which means it’s totally POSSIBLE to make this your full time income if you desire…but you’ve gotta stop giving all your stuff away for free if you want to get there!

It’s going to feel weird the first time you say your price out loud to a potential client and might even make you sweat a little which is OK.

Charging for your services will get easier with time the more that you practice it. I promise!

In this video you'll learn:

  • the average standard of what a life coach typically charges for her services with and without credentialing

  • what to price a 1:1 offering versus a group coaching program offering

  • how to get past the fear of charging your worth

And if you want my support in creating your own online coaching business, sign up for a discovery call with me here.

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