Learn How to Become A Hypnotherapist

Have you ever thought about becoming a hypnotherapist or using hypnotherapy tools in your coaching sessions?

I got certified as a hypnotherapist last fall from MaryLee LaBay and it was a game changer for my coaching clients!

Sometimes there were such deep issues (like money blocks, getting motivated, food struggles) that traditional coaching just couldn't help my clients really get the breakthrough they needed. This left me feeling incredibly frustrated as their coach that I couldn't help them more.

After learning some basic hypnotherapy techniques like secondary gains, reverse metaphor, and past life regression I’ve been able to help my clients to:

  • Clear money blocks

  • Heal ancestral money wounds

  • Help my clients make big decisions

  • Gain wisdom about their purpose and path

  • Stop negative emotions and self-sabotage

Now I want to show you how the amazing world of hypnotherapy can help you and your clients to get transformative results on a deeper level which will help you to get hired over and over again!

In this video we will talk about:

  • How hypnotherapy helps people get past their deepest blocks

  • How hypnotherapy will help you to get hired more as a coach

  • How past life regressions can help heal addictions, money issues, trauma and help find your purpose

And now I want to invite you to get certified with MaryLee Labay as well right from your own home so you can start diving into the modules tonight!

Once you enroll, you can choose whether you start the live group calls with Mary Lee in September or October...but either way you’ll dive into the modules tonight!

Also, you’ll have people ready to pay you immediately.  In fact, I did a practice session on a friend this weekend, and now she is texting me to say she’s got some referrals to send my way.

They heard about her past life regression and were very intrigued!

Now that is a marketable skill that is in demand right now!

This incredible value to get certified in both these modalities online plus with 21 hours of direct instruction with her is a once-in-a lifetime opportunity and if you’re called to it...I hope you’ll step into this right now.

It’s been one of the best trainings I’ve ever taken to increase my client results and my own confidence as a coach.  

P.S.  The sooner you get certified, the closer you are to increasing your rates, your confidence and of course client results….which is really the backbone of your business anyway!

Video Editing: www.beckyhuntmedia.com