The Best Questions to Ask On Your Pre-Questionnaire Form for Discovery Calls

When someone says they are interested in working with you, it can feel confusing as to what are next steps from that first conversation to getting on a discovery call with a potential client.

In today's video I'm going to show you the best questions to ask in your pre-questionnaire form in order to set yourself and your potential life coaching clients up for success that will lead to easier yeses and hiring more clients on your discovery calls.

In the video you’ll learn:

  • why it’s important to have potential clients fill out a questionnaire form prior to getting on a discovery call with you

  • how to avoid “no show’s” for your discovery calls

  • how to avoid “sticker shock” for people when you tell them your prices

  • whether to put your prices on your website or not

  • a mistake you might be making that is preventing people from booking discovery calls with you

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